To generate a new Global Template, on the Global Template area, we need to click on Start Draft.

Then, a Pop Up will appear and we will establish the character of this new template as a Regular or Layered Global Template.

On the first step, the title, prefix, description and location (assign to all locations or a specific location) need to be defined.

These points are the only mandatory ones. If we don't add these points to the draft definition, we will not able to Save our Draft.

Finally, to continue with the definition, we need to click on "Save Draft".

On Audit Responsibility Area, we have the next options: 

  • Location: we can choose between all locations or an specific location.
  • Teams: if we have created Auditors Teams on, we can add this team to the Global template.
  • Variable Attributes: If we are on the position of defining a standard audit that could be used in multiple areas of a plant. For example, a 5S Regular template to be used on different sections of the plant. If this is our need, we will activate de Section variable attribute and the auditor should specify the section that is being audited by selecting the specific section between all the possible sections defined on the plant. 
    • Department.
    • Section.
    • Resources:
      • Machine.
      • Instrument.
      • Fixture.
      • Device.
    • Part Reference.

Now, we can start defining our Template by adding different chapters or questions.

To add a new chapter is enough selecting the "New Chapter" green button. 

Automatically a new chapter appears on our template and then, we are on the disposition of adding multiple questions. To add questions, we have three different options:

  • Add Question.
  • Add Pictures.
  • Add Text.

To see detailed information about the different options of the available questions, click here.

Additional Important Information:

  1. Total Points - Percentage: we can define the way in which we want to analyze our Audit result. Do we want to analyze our final mark with points (Example, 67/75)? Is easier for us to analyze our marks against a percentage (%)?
  2. Segments: we can establish different ranges to give a final evaluation to the Audit. For example, 0-65 NOK, 65-72 WARNING, 72-75 OK.
  3. Finally, we have two different options:
    • Save Draft: if our template is not finished and we need to continue later defining the template, we need to save our changes as a draft. This is the best option in these cases because once a template is Published, all the changes realized on the template will increase the version number of the template.
    • Publish: is our template completely defined? In this case, we should Publish our template to start executing our audits.