- Free Text Attribute: plain text can be entered including letters, numbers and symbols
- Name: Identification name of the attribute.
- Default value: If applies, we can add value here and the box will appear fielded with this value by default. For example, if the normal working temperature of the oven is 70ºC, we will write this value in the Default value section. If necessary, operators can edit this value.
- Data entry: Manual or Automatic. For example, if we are scanning a value from a label, this attribute needs to have an automatic data entry configuration (not manual).
- Compare character value: value or format match. The input value will need to follow an specific characters combination (value or format) in oder to upload the mesurement
- Pre and Post message: To give informative messages to operators before or after controlling this attribute.
- Required: Determine this check as a mandatory element to be filled in.
- List Attribute: Operators will select an option from a drop-down list.
- Name, Default value, Pre and Post message, Required: fields previously explained.
- By Dates Attribute: select a date on a calendar.
- Name, Pre and Post message, Required: fields previously explained.
- QR & Barcode reader: scan a code with a barcode reader or a device camera. On PC/Laptop, a free text attribute will appear instead.
- Name, Pre and Post message, Compare character value, Required: fields previously explained.
- Number: Only numbers can be allocated
- Name, Pre and Post message, Compare character value, Required: fields previously explained.
Location attributes are a location standard. Attributes that must be used frequently are standardized in order to avoid creating these attributes per every program. These location attributes must be created before on Account Settings/Hyerarchy/location (click here).
These attributes are completely defined for us and we only need to load the attribute we need to Attributes area. Steps to import attributes:
- Click on "Import attribute".
- Click on "Select attribute" drop-down list.
- Select our required attributes for the specific program.