Automatic Uploader is an agent software created by KaptureIO which is in charge of synchronizing automatically to the platform the measurements obtained from a machine.

When the Automatic Uploader detects the presence of new data files in its origin folder, it will upload them to the corresponding Control Guide without the need of any user action.

To use Automatic Uploader, the user needs to create and configure a new machine (Resources [1.] > Machines [2.] > New Machine [3.] > Initial Information [4. - 5.]):

Once here, the first step will be to select if the sample upload needs to be done every X seconds or when the agent detects any change on the origin folder.

In the next step, the user will need to fill all required fields to the agent configuration:


Document type: data file obtained from the machine

- Folder data source: folder where the automatic uploader must look for new measurements


Reference: filter to look for the part to which the measurements belong

Part: shows the results from the filtered on"Reference". Select the one needed

- Control Guide: where the data must be stored on KaptureIO

Once all these fields are filled, the user just needs to click on "create" and download and install the agent to start working

*Note that this Apikey on KaptureIO will be mandatory for the software to work.*