Once inside Data and Measurement tab, user has a sum up of the most relevant information related to the Study:
Basic information about the Study:
Information about its Customer>Proyect>Part, program, section...
Information about the location attributes standardized (to learn more about Location Based attributes, click here).
Creation and modification information:
User, date and hour when the study was created
User, date and hour when the Study was edited for the last time.
Control Plan Attributes (to learn more about them, click here).
On the bottom of this page, uer will find 4 different tabs:
1. Summary: presents a sum up of the main results and calculations of the study. By selecting one (or more) row or check, KaptueIO automatically will display one (or more) new tabs, showing all the details of the results, statistics and calculations.
On those check detail tab, user will be able to select the kind of study needed for the calculations and the results between three different options available on KaptureIO: Total Variation, Tolerance or ANOVA. The meaurement unit analysis is available too.
2. Data: all data collected to the Study, with all its related details (operator, date, hour, part...). User can see the data eiher form the nominal or deviation view.
3. Progress: graphic representation of th level of the compliance of the Study regarding ots specific configuration.
4. Quick Report: a report based on the form designed on our specific Program with the measurments results. This can be exported to PDF.