¿What is a Template?
A template is an audit form designed for a specific location. Once published, it is ready to be executed on a browser (Online Audit) or on the Android App.
There are two types of templates:
- Regular Template: These templates are used to execute them online or on the app without scheduling them on a monthly planner. We can easily identify () this kind of templates on the list and/or we can use the type filter to see them all.
- Layered Template: These templates are used when there is a need to schedule and plan the different audits on a Layered Process Audit calendarization. We can identify easily this kind of templates on Templates tap using the Kind of Template filter and also, graphically taking a look to the icon:
¿What is a Global Template?
An audit template standardized by an administrator. When a Global Audit is set up, it is automatically available to all locations inside the organization. They will immediately be able to see and execute the standard Audit. Note: this template cannot be modified by Managers of different locations. This option is only available to Administrators.
¿What is a Layered Process Audit?
Audits that can be calendarized, scheduled and assigned to different roles or levels/sections on a monthly planner.
¿What is an Audit online execution?
Kapture.io Audits that are executed on audits.kapture.io.
¿What is an Audit Android App execution?
Kapture.io Audits that are executed on Kapture.io by Tecnomatrix Audits App, available on Play Store to be downloaded free.