On first adding data in a Control Guide or Study there is no difference between Raw and Working data.  But when a user edits a value or archives a sample two versions of the data are generated: working data and raw data.  Working data consists of the active samples with their edited values whereas Raw data shows all the data which has been added with their original values.

Working Data (edited or active data)

Once a value has been changed from its original value the field or box is marked with a black triangle.  If the original value is replaced then the black triangle disappears.


In the left image you can see an active sample with Check P08 with a mark on the value meaning this value has been edited.  

In the right image you can see the original value and new value for this measurement.

    Raw Data (original data)


On this left image, you can see the original value has been replaced and there is no mark.



On the Control Guide page you can select which mode you want to be in with the following buttons below:


Read mode: you are viewing working data values and cannot edit them.

Edit mode: you are viewing working data values and you can edit them.

Here you can find a video about how to edit any check or attribute on Data and Measurement tab.



Working data : you are viewing active samples (not archived) and edited values.

Raw data : you are viewing all the samples and their original values