Kapture.io reads the One Sample standard file, on osf file format.

The next elements are mandatory on the file structure and they need to appear exactly on the next order on consecutive columns separated by";". These elements form the first line of the document:

  1. Point Name - "Point":
    • String
    • Mandatory
    • Need to have exactly the same name used on the definition of the Kapture.io Program.
  2. Measurement Date - "Date":
    • String
    • Mandatory
    • UTC format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.mmmZ. Example: 2017-01-25T09:38:56.152Z.
  3. Measurement Value - "Value":
    • Mandatory
    • Depending on the check definition, the character of these values could be:
      • Numerical: Numerical values. The numbers with decimals will be represented with a point. Example: 2.14 
      • Boolean: True or False.
      • List: Values defined on the check inside the program.
  4. Part Serial Number - "Id Item":
    • String without ;
    • Not mandatory
  5. Batch - "Id Reference":
    • String without ;
    • Not mandatory
  6. Id Machine:
    • String without ;
    • Not mandatory
  7. Comments/Remarks - "Obs":
    • String without ;
    • Not mandatory

See a reduced example on the attached picture for numerical values:

See another example for numerical and boolean values:

  • n = NO = FALSE
  • y = YES = TRUE