Information page:

In this page user can find different fields created by KaptureIO by default, being some of them active and editable while others are just a reflection from Calibrations page:

- Supplier: manufacturer of the fixture (configurable drop-down list)

- Reference: part or parts controlled with the fixture. 

- Last calibration: date of the last fixture calibration. Reflection from Calibrations Page.

- Calibration frequency: period a calibration validity. Reflection from Calibrations Page.

- Type of MSA: study used to guarantee quality of fixture information (configurable drop-down list)

- Deparment: company department to which the resource is assigned (learn more about departments here).

- Description: any extra information of the fixture

- Next calibration start: date in which the current calibration is obsolete. Reflection from Calibrations Page

- Calibration type: depending on if the calibration is internal or external.

- Family: depending on the fixture structure (configurable drop-down list).

- Ubication: particular location of the fixture in the production plant.

- Activation Date: day in which the fixture is bought/registered.

- User: person using the resource (learn more about users here)

- Depositary: person in charge of the fixture calibration (learn more about users here)

- Status: specific condition of each fixture (configurable drop-down list)

- Calibration company (configurable drop-down list)

- Nº calibration certificate

- Int. serial number: any internal identification of the fixture.

A picture of each fixture can also be added by clicking on the + symbol, and then "Upload image".

  •  How to create/edit drop-down lists:

All drop-down lists in Information page are available for the user to create or edit the different options. For this purpose, the user needs to click on his/her personal menu (right top of KaptureIO home)>>Account settings>>Categories>>Fixtures (learn more about categories here

Here all different lists defined for all fixtures created in a specific location will be displayed, being able to Add any new option and Edit or Delete any existing option.