Initial Important Information:
The PC where this software, named "Agent.exe", is installed must have read and write access to the network or local folders it will be using. This means that it will be able to move files into a completed folder.
When the A.U. has uploaded or tried uploading a data file, it also moves that file into a specific subfolder depending on the success of the upload. If these subfolders are not created already, it will create them.
The Installation process:
The steps can be followed through to the end and unique to the Windows users. This means that the same windows user must be used on that computer for the software to be running.
Installation folders:
- appdata\local\agent
- appdata\remote\agent
The installation file can be downloaded from two places in
- The software download section on the dropdown menu below your user.
- When in a machine, in resources, there is an Automatic Uploader tab which shows the download page also.