Pareto chart
Pareto data-view shows the most critical checks or defects. or a selection of them, from a Control Guide, organized in descending order, from left to right, displaying the main faults and grouping all non-critical defects.
KaptureIO has two types of pareto chart available
1. Status pareto: this kind of pareto displays all checks with NOK status, counting every one as 1 defect on the graph. All numerical, boolean, list check, computed, cosmetic and numerical list checks can be selected.
2. Value pareto: this kind of pareto represent all the NOK checks taking into account the number registered in every check. Only numerical, computed, cosmetic and numerical check list checks can be selected on this kind of pareto.
For example, a numerical check with value 4 and status NOK, will be counted as 4 defects in the value pareto but only as 1 in the status pareto.
Information on both value and status pareto can be filtered by different attribute and data filters.
Gauss chart
Represents the probability distribution of a given variable or check with respect to its nominal and tolerances, allowing the user to study its natural dispersion. It is applicable to both numerical and computed checks, allowing filtering by dates and attributes.
In addition, all widgets available on KaptureIO with the "Export to dashboard" icon can be added to any KaptureIO dashboard (to learn more about how to export KaptureIO data-panels, click here).