We need to create a Control Guide to start measuring and storing data. Control Guides are "data folders" of defined Kapture.io Programs.

Once we select "New Control Guide" button, the first step is choosing the Program. A new Control Guide or Study is defined by a previously designed part program and follows the measuring parameters set according to the Control Guide or Study type selected.

On the second step of the definition, we need to configure our Control Guide. 

  • Mandatory decision tags: selecting a tag status between OK, RWK and SCRAP will be mandatory. For example, on CMM dimensional controls this feature is not useful because Kapture.io automatically give to you the part status if measurements are out of tolerances but, in case of Rework operations or Visual Aspect controls, the final status of the part could be a decision to be made by the quality inspector. The measurement done will not be uploaded until the operator selects a status between OK, RWK or SCRAP.
  • All checks mandatory: when all the controls are important and we want to configure all as mandatory. The measurement done will not be uploaded until the operator selects a status between OK, RWK or SCRAP. For example, we can maintain this button deactivated if our control is very large and all the controls are not always required because they have different frequency executions. 
  • Mandatory non-conformities: if we require to track non-conformities and we want to avoid the option of uploading measurements without introducing the non-conformity justification, we need to activate this button. In this way, we are defining this Control Guide as mandatory to justify non-conformities and measurements done will not be uploaded until the operator justifies all the non-conformities on the control.
  • Save attribute values until exiting: if an specific control needs to be measured for a long time, for example, during work shift, the defined attributes will probably be the same until the end of it. For that reason, we do not want to invest time in introducing these attributes continuously. A single or multiples attributes can be now selected and Kapture.io will store on memory your last attribute values, keeping them in your next measurement. These values can be updated any time just by changing them and will be kept until exiting the control, signing out or closing the browser.
  • Sample upload type: Single vs Multiple. Here we can define the way of measuring parts. For example, if our Control is a control with an execution frequency of 1 execution per 2 hours and we have enough time to execute it, we will select "Single samples only" and the measurement upload to the platform will be realized one by one to the platform. But, for example, if we are controlling in line, with a reduce range of time to control 100% of parts, maybe the most appropriate configuration is "Multiple batch samples permitted". Defining this configuration allows us to safe time uploading at the same time more than one part with the same characteristics.


Our third step is to define the type of Control Guide and for that, we only need to choose between the next three different options:

  • First off
  • Capability
  • Free

Now, we need to define a couple of attributes:

  • Number of samples: ¿What is the number of samples objective to be measured on this control? As this is a complex amount to know, our recommendation is to not concern too much about this because this area is editable later.
  • Check every: this area works against an specific MES, Manufacturing Execution System. For further information please, contact support@kapture.io.
  • Start date: creation date.
  • Due date: our recommendation is to not concern too much about this date because this date is editable later.
  • Operators: here we assign the people who will have access to execute the control. If we don't know who will execute the control in the moment of creating the control guide, keep in mind that this is not a problem. We can continue to the fifth-step and assign later operators to the Control Guide.

Finally, we give a name to the Control Guide and a plant section if applies.

Once our control guide has been created we will find an information summary clicking on the + button where we can check information relative to the control guide and fill the fields up. 

These informative attributes can be amended or created in Account settings > Hierarchy > Location > Attributes (control guide level) (click here).

These informative attributes can be amended or created in Account settings > Hierarchy > Location > Attributes (control guide level) (click here).

Mesure online, close and archive/remove:

  • Mesure online: takes you directly to Control Kapture to start working with.
  • Close: remove all the users assigned to work with the control guide.
  • Archive/remove: Archive or completely remove a control guide.