To create a new report, user only need to access Report Designer home page, an click on "New Report" button, as shown in picture below:


Once a name is added, report can be created. A new page needs to be created in order to start working.

Here user will find several useful commands to edit and create a Report template:

1. Generic databox: add any databox corresponding to any list, boolean, numeric or date check created on any Control Guide on KaptureIO

2. Cosmetic databox: add cosmetic checks to the report page

3. Pictures: insert any picture available in KaptureIO

4. Lines: possibility to add lines of different colours, thicknesses, lenghts...

5. Textbox: possibilty to add textboxes configurable on colour and size

6. Selection tool

7. Zoom out

8. Zoom in

9. Preview: access to previsualization page, where user can see the final result of the report template, representing data in each databox in real-time

10. Block: User can block the editing of the content and disposition of the information on the report

11. Save: necessary click to save all modifications and changes made on the report template.

12. Full-screen.