1. Different filters are available to enable an easy and quick search of the 8D Problem-Solving:
- Customer.
- Project.
- Location.
- Part.
2. General view: here we can see on columns a global summary of information related to our 8D Problem-Solving.
- Customer, Project and Part detail.
- The location (plant) of this incidence inside the organization.
- ID number of the incidence.
- 8D Opened by.
- Responsible for the resolution.
- Description of the 8D Problem-Solving case.
- 8D Status.
- Open date.
- Actions (delete and edit).
3. Create a new problem: we click on this button to generate a quick initial register of an 8D Problem-Solving case.
- Define: Customer > Project > Plan Location > Part.
- Give a description of the incidence.
- Assign a Responsible for the 8D.
- Finally, create a new problem.