Welcome! Now you have entered the website it must be time to start using the many features that KaptureIO platform has.

You can either follow our Wizard which is found in the dropdown menu in the top-right if it hasn't popped up after your login. Or you can just follow the steps below.

First of all, you need to define Customer>Project>Part structure on your KaptureIO organization:

1. Create a Customer: by clicking on the left side menu "Customer">"New Customer", as shown in picture below.


You'll see on clicking Enter, you will enter that Customer Page.

2. Create a Project inside that customer: by clicking on "New Project" button, as shown in picture below.

Again you'll see that on clicking Enter, you will enter that new Project Page.

3. Create a Part inside the project: by clicking on "New Part" button, as shown in picture below. Then just add the requested information and click on "Create New Part".

These first three crucial steps to start working on KaptureIO are now completed. 

Now you will need an idea of the type of control guide you wish to create and how you'll take your measurements. Based on this, user will need to create a "Program" with its linked "Control Guide".