Tables are a very common and practical way to summarize and represent information. They are commonly used to identify the operation being controlled, for example for the operator during the execution of the different Control Guides. Standardized templates are used for each operation, project, customer, etc. remaining almost unchanged except for certain fields that change to represent the specific information of each particular case.
In this respect, KaptureIO has the functionality of automatic tables, which allows user to generate model or standard tables on the platform with fields that are automatically updated on a case-by-case basis and add them to the selected forms.
To create or edit them, the user must access his personal menu>Account Settings>Tables.
The commands to create a new automatic table are the same that the usual ones in any text editor in addition of the automatic ones, which can represent information contained in different levels of Kapture: Program, Control Guide, Part, Project and Customer, being available both the options setted by default by the platform and the different localization attributes created by the user for each specific case:
To make automatic a particular field, simply select the corresponding option from the drop-down of any of the categories listed and clicking then on the box to be automated.
Once the template table has been created, is available to be inserted in any form:
When the associated CG is created, these tables autocomplete with the relevant information in the different fields selected as automatic:
Tables contribute to the standardization and simplification when building the platform, making the generation of new content and the editing of the existing ones much more manageable when they need to be updated.