To keep the traceability and justify the different errors detected with KaptureIO Control Guides, the user can create different catalogues of defects and actions, which will help him to justify and plot the non-conformities detected, their causes and the actions taken to solve them.
- Defect Catalogue: summarizes the different causes that can lead to an error detected in any of the Control Guides executed in KaptureIO. These defects can be grouped according to user's criteria, being able to create from a single generic catalogue to as many as he deems necessary (for example, one for each type of operation). To create them, user must access his personal menu>Account Settings>Defect Catalogues
- Actions catalogue: different options that are proposed to the operator during execution to fix or justify the detected error. Just as for defect catalogues, actions can be grouped according to what the user considers, being able to rise as many catalogues as deemed necessary. To create them, the user must access his personal menu>Account Settings>Actions Calatogues
There are two types of actions in KaptureIO:
- User: immediate actions taken by the operator to justify the non-conformity detected
- System: actions generating a notification on the platform that will be directly sent to the person(s) designated as responsible for such action.
Once the catalogues are created, they are automatically available on the correspondng tab on Form section (see here).