• We find the defined defects in the left menu. Select the defect and then click on the image where the defects are.
  • If you make a mistake and you need to delete your defect on the grid, all you need to do is select that defect again in the menu and an "X" will appear on the upper right corner of the grid. Click the "X" and the defect will disappear from the piece.
  • The lower right area shows us the three different possible quality states of the part.
  • As a general rule, the measurement button will remain locked with an "X" until the operator does not select a state whether we set it as mandatory decision tag when creating the control guide. If we do not define the decision tag as mandatory the measurement can be uploaded even without choosing any option.

Once we arrive at the latest page of the control is time to select the status of the part and upload the measurement.

  1. If there are no defects selected on the grid when we finished the control Kapture.io blocks the RWK and SCRAP states. We can only select OK status. 
  2. On the other hand, if we have introduced defects, we have the option of selecting any of the  three states.
  3. Once we select a status, the upload button is unlocked automatically (if mandatory).