The form is the visual interface to be defined with the objective of clarifying our control execution. This interface is what operators will see while they are measuring.gukyu
- New Form.
- Edit Page: Click on this button to start the design of the form.
- New Page: To add additional pages to our design. Remember the importance of a correct design to ensure good visibility (usually the biggest tablets are 10.1').
- Duplicate page: page duplication in the same form.
- Note: It only duplicates images, tables and text but not checks and attributes which should be created as usual on checks and attributes tabs.
- Once inside the form editor, we can identify different sections:
- Page Name: To edit the identification name of the page, click on the "Pencil" icon.
- Form type: Choose if you need to design a Generic Form or a Cosmetic Form.
- Form resources:
- Pictures.
- Text.
- Lines.
- Tables: here we have two options for adding tables to the form.
- Select table: the table is generated by default to you. We can't edit this table on Form area. This table needs to be modified on Account Settings - Tables area. Normally, these tables are used as location standards (to learn more about Location Tables, click here). For example, a header for our controls with all the usual information needed. See attached example:
- Generate a table: here we create a table from the begining in an easy and intuitive way. We could use this if we want to give information to operators in a really clear way. See attached example:
- Select table: the table is generated by default to you. We can't edit this table on Form area. This table needs to be modified on Account Settings - Tables area. Normally, these tables are used as location standards (to learn more about Location Tables, click here). For example, a header for our controls with all the usual information needed. See attached example:
- Defined elements: checks, computed checks, attributes and multi checks items are here available to be select ready to be loaded on form pages. We need to think about the correct design of the form, where do we want to load these checks? An initial page for attributes? A second page for attributive Go-NoGo control? A final page for numerical elements measured by DTI? *Note: A computed check maintains locked if the elements that compose it's formula are not loaded on the form previously.
- Summary: summary of all the elements on the form. Also, here we can order the required order of execution moving checks up and down on the list.
- End of the design: paper bin to delete the page, exit to exit page without saving changes and save to update and save changes.