The upper area of Checks contains the following subgroups:
- Features: Automatic grouping of checks. Example: SPC_TRIM PT1 would be the feature and, after selecting it, an internal list would be displayed with SPC_TRIMX_PT1, SPC_TRIMY_PT1, etc.
- Checks: List of the checks created on the program. Numerical checks, boolean checks, list checks, cosmetic checks, etc.
- Groups: Groupings/folders of checks created by the user. Especially useful to facilitate the management of long programs. Example: Group checks by folders of TRIM, DIAM, etc.
- Multi check: Multi check definition area. They correspond to those instruments that send by individual measurements, more than one numerical measurement component. Example: LMI instrument, gap and flush.
- Scoring: In this section, we define the severities linked to the program by defining severity name, the weight/demerit of each severity and the maximum number of defects admitted.
- Areas: Area to be used on Cosmetic programs. The workspace is a two-dimensional margin, so this section defines additional control areas that may need to be plotted. Example: seen, semi-seen, not-seen or internal areas.
- Master Sample: Area to be used on Cosmetic programs. The concept of Master sample refers to the model part to be followed, that part that marks the manufacturing objective with the admissible limits and it naturally establishes all those defects with their severities that are outside the admissibility. The value of the Master Sample is automatically calculated. In addition, we can define what severities are associated with each check.
Creating Checks on programs:
- Numerical Check:
- Important: Option to mark the check as a favorite and then, do a special follow-up. It can be used as a filter of information.
- Name and Alt name: Identification and Alternative Identification of the check.
- Required: Upper Tolerance and Lower Tolerance are required elements of the definition.
- Optional: Nominal, Default value, Homologate value and Offset are optional elements of the definition. "Default value" will show us the check filled by default. Normally, in these cases, it is chosen to set one check with a default value if these values will occur in a higher degree of recurrence (for example, 90% of the time). In this way, we will streamline the control execution process, making it unnecessary to enter the value of all controls. We only need to modify the status of those items that don't match the default value.
- Warning Level: By default, it always appears at 75%. This represents that if our controls approach 75% to the established limits, will show this check with the status Warning (orange color). This status represents that we are approaching the established limits. This field is editable. For example, if we have very small tolerances, we will consider setting 100% of the Warning Level since it will not be very representative to activate the "orange" state. In this way, we will only have two states, OK and KO. If we are interested in having this warning state of proximity to tolerances, but not in a range as open as 75%, we will establish for example, 90%.
- Data Entry: Manual VS Automatic. Manual insertion of values or automatic entry of values from Bluetooth or Wireless instruments.
- Scoring: If we define standard severities in our program, we will be able to link to each check a specific severity weight in the event of non-compliance.
- Add files: request of a file/picture upload depending on the check status previousl
- Message: Option to create a pre or post message of approximately 5 seconds of duration that will be displayed during the measurement.
- Boolean Check:
- Important, Name, Alt name, Default Value, Scoring, Add files and Message: These options continue to be kept in the Boolean check type (explained above).
- Correct Value: This definition is required. needs to identify what is the result that we hope to evaluate as correct. Note: depending on how we generate the check, it can apply True or False as the correct answer.
- List Check:
- Important, Name, Alt name, Default Value, Scoring Add files and Message: These options continue to be kept in the List check type (explained above).
- Required: Entering values from the list. Example: An attribute is created to control the state of the pieces.
- We generate a valid response marked as positive, "Ok" name - OK status.
- We generate the other possible status of the part. These options have a negative connotation, for example, Injection Defect. We establish these options with ERROR or WARNING status.
- We can mark a default response. In this way, operators do not need to introduce the value of this check until it is completely necessary.
- Date Check: We name the check and immediately afterward we find the following fields.
- The margin of days: Range of days in which our check will be valid or correct.
- Forwards from/previous to date: Value inserted, after or before the measurement date. Both fields can be selected and the margin of days on this case will be distributed symmetrically.
- Inside - Outside an accepted range: Definition of where the correct value is assumed (if it is within or outside the marked limits).
- Data entry, Scoring and Message: Already explained fields.
- Computed Check:
- Important, Name, Alt name, nominal, upper and lower tolerance, homologate value and warning level: These options continue to be kept in Computed checks (explained above).
- Formula: we click on Formula button to start defining our formula.
- Available checks on our program to use on our formula. These checks can be Numerical checks, Numerical list checks and computed checks.
- Mathematical operations: Max, min, range, absolute value, average, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are available on
- Summary of our formula.
- Validation of the formula: this action is required in order to avoid possible indetermination of the formula.
- Constants: if necessary, we are able to add numerical constants to our formula.
- New formula: to generate our formula.
- Numeric List Check: Operators will be able to select a numerical value from a drop-down list.
- Important, Name, Alt name, Scoring and Message: These options continue to be kept in the Numerical List check type (explained above).
- Values: only numbers.
- Correct: the status related to our values.
- Note: here is required to specify a value as Default value.
- Cosmetic Check: These checks are used on with the objective of analyzing data with a Heat Map. These checks will be able only on Cosmetic forms and the design of this form should be a picture on a grid.
- Important, Name and Alt name: These options continue to be kept in the Cosmetic check type (explained above).
- Code: Numerical identification of this Cosmetic check on internal standards.
- Comment: If we need to give descriptive information regards this check to the operator, this is our area.
- Image: If we need to give additional information to the operators in a visual way.
- Number with limits:
- Important, Name and Alt name: These options continue to be kept in the Cosmetic check type (explained above)
- Required: Maximum, minimum and status values.
- Optional: Default value.
- Allow decimal values: use of decimals on our values.
- Data entry, Scoring and Message: Already explained fields.