a. Who selects the information contained in the shared report? Approval officer

In each Control Guide Settings>Users section, Approval Officers can be assigned by users with "Acess to share Reports"

Now an Approval Officer can validate/publish the specific samples contained in the shared report. In a normal report, all parts are viewed, whereas in a Shared report only the published ones are viewed. Both admin and manager users can be selected as Approval Officers. 

In a normal report all parts are viewed, whereas in a Shared report only the published ones are viewed. Now an Approval Officer can validate/publish the samples required in the shared report.

c. What data can they see? Validation

Once assigned as an Approval Officer, the manager can enter in a previously hidden section called Validation in the Control Guide where the samples are listed with a switch for each sample and select those that need to be included in the shared report.  This switch changes the sample from private to published. Published meaning it is viewable in a shared report.  The manager can also view the quality of that sample.

As mentioned above, shared reports show only the data you want to share:  

Any filter you have applied to the normal report will also be applied to the shared report: if you only want them to view last year's parts and not newer or older ones, you can. Simply apply the filter and saving it and the report will mean they will only view 1. validated samples and 2. samples in that filter range.