We can access to Settings Users area on the Part area by selecting a specific Control Guide and then selecting Settings or using the Action icons (see attached picture):
Once inside Settings, we select Users tab.
We use this area to give different kinds of permissions related to a specific Control Guide.
Who is able to execute this quality control? In this area, we can add or remove different Kapture.io Users or Teams.
Once an operator is associated with a Control Guide, he will be able to execute this Control on control.kapture.io, Kapture Win or Quality Control.
Kapture.io Viewers only need to check data. They don't have permission to execute or modify controls. For example, production line Night Team Leader. These kinds of users don't need to modify controls or execute it, but, they need to control the measurement results.
As soon as we give to Team Leaders a viewer role on Kapture.io Control Guides, they will be able to check the quality evolution and status of the controls.
Exactly the same idea of Viewers but, with people of another corporation.
Summarizing, when we want to share data with users of another Kapture.io Organization.
To share Reports with another organization, a Kapture.io user need to be responsible for approving or checking realized measurements before sharing data with other companies (to learn more about sharing reports, click here).